Friday, September 19, 2008

Safe ID

Issue Two-08/10/08

About a year ago I became the victim of identity theft. Before I knew it almost $1,400.00 had been taken from my bank account. Somehow, someone used my account to buy themselves stuff at Wal-Mart in Las Vegas, I have never been to Vegas, so I was pretty sure I had not made those transactions. I still don't know how it happened, but I do know I will now be even more careful with my bank card than I have been before. I had heard of these kind of things happening to other people, but I lived my life with the idea that, that couldn't happen to me. Those warnings you hear about this kind of thing happening don't apply to me. It couldn't happen to me. You know a lot of people are like that in there spiritual lives as well. We see the warning signs of things we know we shouldn't be doing but we think that's not for me, that's for someone else. Those warnings don't apply to me, so-and-so needs that message more than I do. We see the warnings, but we don't apply them to our own lives. And when we do that we fall short of God's goal for our lives. God wants to use us for His purposes, but we have so much stuff of our own in the way that he can't, because we haven't listened to the warnings and applied them to our lives. It's because we haven't listened to God. What is God saying to you today? Are you listening?

John ”Safe ID” Downey

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