Friday, July 31, 2009

Louder with Crowder...

Where is your stimulus money going? This video is hilarious...and thought provoking

In the news...

If I was a Mormon I'd be desprate to get out of going to church too.

I think the mall owner may be a libral...that's right he believes in freedom of speech, just not for you.

All healing comes from God, that's why he gave some people the desire to become doctors.

But I want to look good when I'm dead.

This is not what I thought they ment by stimulus plan.

See, I told you M&M's were good for you.

It may be just me, but I'd be really uncomfortable if they guys guarding me looked like this.

Other People You Get Stuck Behind in Long Lines

* Guy who plays World of Warcraft
* Big jerk who thinks he speaks for everyone
* Person who might be normal otherwise, but has a really weird butt
* Guy who looks like cross between Anthony Michael Hall and a potato
* Kid who has to pee
* Axe user
* One of those people who will never be happy about anything, at any time
* Smoker surrounded by cloud of post-smoke effluvium
* Expired coupon lady
* Suspiscious Guy with nylon stocking over head
* Fat Guy who hasn't showered in a month
* Old person looking at you suspiciously

Any others?

In the Funnies

In the news...

Your stimulus dollars at work...or not.

Fix americas infrastucture...nah...lets just do what's easiest.

Cash for clunkers costing too much cash. Program administrators say, “How could we offer a deal like this? We must be CRAAAAZYYYYYYY!!!!”

How's that hope and change working out for you?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How is islam the religion of peace?

Some one explain it to me please...

Big Surprises in Food News Today

So organic food really isn't better for's that $4 apple taste now?

Yeah..another big surprise..salt causes weight know what else causes weight gain? Fat!

In the Funnies

In The News...

The Religion of Peace Strikes Again

If You Want ‘Common Ground’, Stop Killing Babies

We, as humans are, Such A Well Designed Accident...yeah right...I'm glad this "riddle" is solved.

A Stimulos for sin

Hero's Season four: lesbian love? What the heck?

'Heroes' season four trailer: 'Redemption'

Louder with Crowder...

Lonewolf Diaries: Arresting Black People is Racist, You Pigs!

Editors note: Steven Crowder is one of my favorite conservatives...he is quickly becoming my choice to be the face of young republicans.

The Dukes of Hazard?

The tradition anyone really surprised?

Rush-ism of the Day

"I've always had a dream of owning a team in the NFL, but if I could buy the White House and the US Capitol building as an act of patriotism to save my country, wouldn't that be cool, too?"
--Rush Limbaugh

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In the News...

Theology and Church Buildings: Do Architecture and Organization Matter?

With Proper Feeding and Socialization, He Could Become A Human...altenatively titled more insanity from the they even listen to themselves when they speak?

The Blind leading the Blind

Geologist: ‘Global Warming Is The New Religion of First World Urban Elites’

Little Known Sections of President Obama's Health Care Bill

1. Smoking is good for you now.
2. Being Republican qualifies as a pre-existing condition.
3. Free band-aids for the deceased.
4. Cannot be denied coverage of butt. (Democratic Congress members only.)
5. Guaranteed upper arms just like Michelle’s.
6. 24-hour “Head-On” commercial channel.
7. First million to be treated for Swine Flu get free gum.
8. Secret payment plan: Bill Gates
9. Instead of X-rays for broken arms, doctors will just ask if you can wiggle your fingers.
10. Medical marijuana covered. Ditto medical Cheese Curls.

btw: this is just for laughs...these things aren't really in the bill, but i wouldn't necessarily be surprised if it were.

Quote of the...Afternoon...

"A record heat wave continues in Seattle. Locals fear it may be a sign of global warming caused by the 20 espresso shops per capita, but they’re not giving them up."

Quote of the Day

"I think there have been so many instances in history where people should have seen the follies of liberalism to the point where they would never, ever get elected in large numbers ever again. But they do, because they are filled with deceit."
-Rush Limbaugh

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's not all relative

This was this past weeks lesson I taught the youth at our church...names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Moral relativism is the one of the greatest dangers Christians today face. Moral relativism works like this: What’s right for you may not be what is right for me. There are no moral rights or wrongs… it’s all just shades of gray. Maybe you know people who think this way…maybe you think this way.

What that means is this: If I believe that I’m a good person and that’s all that really matters then I will go to heaven when I die Or…I believe in Zulu, the big spirit in the sky, and when I die I will go and be with him and become part of the universe. Or…When I die I cease to exist….that’s it…there is nothing beyond this…

What Moral relativism really says is that I can believe anything I want to and it doesn’t matter what you believe, because how dare you impose your beliefs on me.
Moral relativism doesn’t hold up because there has to be a standard somewhere.
For example… if your boss came to you and said you’re late for work…and your fired…would you say to him “According to my watch I wasn’t late for work.” or “Just because you say I’m fired doesn’t make it so.”

Perhaps a better example is this: Lets say you get a traffic ticket…for example…and you go to traffic court, and you go before the judge and the judge says you have to pay the fine, and do community service…Would you say to the judge…”I don’t believe you exist and there fore your laws have no governance over me” probably not.

Moral relativism doesn’t work because there is a standard…God has set the standard and whether we believe in Him or not, He will judge us according to that standard.

Most people think that God is love, or God is a loving God and doesn’t want to send anyone to hell. That’s only partly true…God is a loving God…and he doesn’t want to send anyone to hell. But God is also a just God. And He has made the laws and we have to abide by those laws. Does anyone know what those laws are called? That’s right the ten commandments…now lets just look at a couple of those commandments…

You shall not steal…Anyone ever stolen anything? Someone who steals something is called a…thief.

You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name…Anyone ever swore using Gods name?

You shall not commit adultery….You say John I’m not married…I can’t commit adultery…let me read you another Bible verse…this is Jesus talking here…
"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matt. 5:26-28

Anyone ever looked at a woman …or man, me not so much, lustfully?

Let’s look at one more… You shall not murder. ….You say, John I’ve never murdered anyone…let me read you another Bible verse…this is Jesus talking here… You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Anyone ever been angry with someone? According to Jesus we deserve the same fate as someone who murders someone. So we’re all liars, thieves, adulterers and murderers…What do we deserve for these actions? Death…a blood sacrifice must be made on our behalf.

The standard that God set cannot be kept by man. No one can keep all of Gods laws…We can’t even try…the Bible says our righteousness is like filthy rags to God.

The good news of the gospel is that Christ came to earth, fully God and man, lived and died a horrible death on the cross for the atonement for our sins…and that no one goes to heaven but through Him. We can say…well, I don’t believe that God would send anyone to hell…it doesn’t matter whether we believe it or not it is the truth…we can accept it and live in God’s grace or we can reject it and live with God’s wrath. How do we accept it…We repent and turn from our sins …one of the words Jesus used the most Repent. We need to repent of our sins and turn from them, and we turn toward God.

Does that mean we’re perfect, and we don’t sin anymore…No. But God sees us as perfect through Christ. Does that mean we abuse our Christian freedom and live how we want…No. Our sin separates us from God, and why if we are truly saved do we want to be separate from God. If you are truly repentant of your sin, that means you no longer want to sin, you make every effort not to.

THAT is the Good news of the Bible that we are saved through Christ from God’s wrath that is the truth for you, me, and everyone else whether they choose to believe it or not.

Moral relativism, while it seems on the surface to be “sensitive” of others beliefs, in reality it keeps that truth of the gospel hidden from people who need to hear it. You say “John, does that mean I have to be the weirdo that tells everyone about Jesus?”…that depends…do love your friends, do you care about where they are going to spend eternity?

It’s like this…say you go to the doctor and you have a horrible disease that is going to kill you, only you don’t know you have this disease…so you go to the doctor. The doctor examines you and lets you leave without telling you that you have a horrible disease and are going to die. if you ask him why he let you leave his office without telling you that you had this disease he tells you “Well, I didn’t want you to feel bad that you had this disease.” …Does that sound like a caring doctor to you?

Questions for thought:

Do you know anyone or do you have that moral relativism mindset?

Do you know that there was a time in your life that you have truly repented and turned from your sins?

In the News...

Three R’s: Reading, Writing & Reproduction

News Flash...Breaking God’s Law Is Bad for Your Health

Two Ways to follow God: The Right Way and The Wrong Way

In the Funnies

Anyone flown lately?

Brian Regan on Flying

Monday, July 27, 2009

In the News...


Living their best life now

How dare you offend me!

the Big welcome...this is where i say something clever and witty...or not

Hello! And welcome to dead to self…my new blog…when I get bored I create blogs…Actually I had a few blogs that I wanted to condense into one….and I also wanted to have a little more freedom to post whatever I may want to share about whatever is one my mind….not that you should care…I have a total of three followers among all of my blogs…but hey! Whatever…it’s all in fun and it gives me a creative outlet…This blog will be a little more freeform to post whatever, whenever, and however I feel the need.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Seasons Change

I have come to realize that writing, like most everything else in life, has its seasons. There are seasons that the ideas will flow like water and everything just clicks and there are other seasons when it is as stagnate as a muck covered small pond, the trick, I suppose is to know from what season your in before you begin writing. The end product will always be a reflection of that season. Conversely writing is also, like any other art form, subjective, there is the intended meaning the creator puts on the work, and the perceived meaning the consumer takes in within the work. it is difficult for the creator to read there own work as a consumer, even when tried the creator will always be unnecessarily harsh. The creator of the work is almost always there own worst critic. I have been going back and forth in my seasons lately, and not even trying to write when the ideas are coming, mostly out of fear that the ideas will stop coming, the current of my imagination will stop flowing, whether this is the case or not I have decided to continue writing if no one else then for myself. I do enjoy writing, the creation of worlds that don’t exist, populating cites with people that never existed except in my own mind. I shall, at least for now, continue to write.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009