Thursday, August 13, 2009

In the news...

Great news! The recession is over! Except there won’t be more jobs. Or lower taxes. Or higher wages. But, other than that…it’s over!

According to President Obama, his health care plan does not contain a provision whereby seniors will be herded into a government-assisted suicide facility and processed into Soylent Green. But who are you going to believe?

Coffee is only pretending to be your friend.

When Governor Mark Sanford was asked in a recent interview what it’s like to live alone in the governor’s mansion now that his wife has moved out, he responded, “That part’s hard.” He said lots of other things that could be taken two ways, too.

Global warming is real...really real...just like Santa, and the tooth fairy.

1 comment:

  1. dude- that's blasphamy! Coffiee isn't bad!
